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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Welcome, Sarah

In only a few months I have gone from having nobody in my links section to linking to someone I do not officially know. Yes. Welcome, Sarah.

Sarah is Matt's fiancee. From what I can tell, he is not drugging her, blackmailing her or otherwise forcing her to stick around, so she must actually like him. Sarah, prepare to be overwhelmed with hits from Little Miss Know-it-All's adoring fans.

Which brings me to something. It has become apparent that people think I am a grammar fanatic. I actually had the following conversation with one of my dearest friends:

Me: I want to write about you on my blog.
Stacey: Oh God. What, did I misuse a comma?

I ought to make it clear that I am no grammar terrorist: I do not target civilians for political gain. LMK-i-A does not want to destroy people (unless they use "download" incorrectly, and that is for an entirely different reason). Last week I wrote that it is more important to know how to use the English language than to slavishly follow rules from a book. You don't need to worry that I will judge you for your split infinitives or your dangling prepositions.

Im not shur what it wud take to convicne you ppl -- mayb a good-afith gestur?