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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ashamed of my MP3 player

Well, Glen beat me to this topic, but I still think it's worth covering.

Having long ago given ourselves over to total geekiness, Glen and I watched TV together the other night. By this, I mean that we sat in front of our TVs and sent each other instant messages about what we were watching. (There is a reason I will never write a memoir: My life is too boring to be believed. The Million Little Pieces pajamahedeen would be all over me within a week, demanding proof that I am actually this pathetic. I don't have the fortitude to open myself up to that kind of scrutiny.)

We were watching a show called Guilty Pleasures, on a Canadian music channel called Much More Music. Perhaps I misunderstand the definition of "guilty pleasure", but I thought it was supposed to refer to something you like without wanting anyone to know about it.

If that's the case, Glen and I are both in big trouble. I think the purpose of this program was to make me feel guilty about my entire music collection. I've been told that I like "drag-queen music" (whatever the heck that is) but this is the first time I have been admonished by a music professional.

In fact, the entire show was made up of music that I either do not like at all or that I feel absolutely no shame about liking -- with one possible exception. I confess that I did not consider this song to be a guilty pleasure until it appeared on the screen. Having seen it, I definitely feel guilty. Unfortunately for you, I grew up in a world where guilt was encouraged:


megs. said...

The into to "Sweet Child" is my ringtone! Sweet!

Anonymous said...

At least clicking the above play button did not reveal a secret enjoyment of "Blame it on the Rain". Nothin' to be ashamed of... everybody needs a little Vanilla in their lives... =)