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Saturday, October 18, 2008

The media elite...

...never ask these questions. I don't understand why comedians are doing the best interviews in this campaign. We are leaving it up to Joy Behar and Dave Letterman to question the candidates, and we should all be embarrassed.

I still think John McCain is a likable guy, but this is probably because I think he's lying about the things I find objectionable. I really don't think he believes these things: I've watched him for years and I don't think he has changed his mind so drastically in such a short period of time. I've watched him explain complicated issues, so I can't take him seriously when he says that everything I need to know can be summed up in a few words.

I know you're all anxious to see Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live tonight, but while you're waiting, here is the senator's full appearance on the Late Show. There is a short ad at the beginning.