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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The children are the future

You can really tell that an idea is catching on when the younger folks decide they want to participate. Or, in this case, when they INSIST on being allowed to participate. Entry #3 in the Being David Hasselhoff Contest is from Michael.

I'm not really sure what to say about this. Instead, I will share a moment from behind the scenes:

Steve: Do you have a cross necklace?
Michael: A what?
Steve: A T?
Michael: No, I don't have a T. But I think I saw a T in one of those old books. (Rummages through prayer books on the shelf.)

Send your entries to me: dryas at theedge dot ca. Or post them to your own blog and send me the link. Your participation is key. I know you want to do it.

First prize is the ability to take over my blog for the ENTIRE DAY. Second prize is a stormtrooper helmet. Yes. That's how classy this contest is.

Previously on the Being David Hasselhoff Contest:
Zach Supports David Hasselhoff For Vice President

Steve Is David Hasselhoff
Being David Hasselhoff


Chad said...

This may be a form of child abuse.

Kate Nova said...

I spent a half hour the other day, sifting through photos of David Hasselhoff, seeking inspiration. I kind of can't believe it, but it's true.

Megan said...

Kate: I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Did you know that he is a "singer"? Given your musical talents, perhaps you could do an impression.

Anonymous said...

Michael: I hope you win. I'd like to see a photo of you in the storm trooper helmet.
Good luck

Anonymous said...

Michael - There is much in your future!