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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Look up, waaaay up... (Steve Speaks!)

Here is my first attempt at making a post...One would think that a "Technology Cooridinator" for a school would have no problem creating a post...well here goes.

I had the pleasure of watching an A&E biography on the great children's role model Fred Rogers. Watching his bio brought back memories of my childhood and some of my favourite TV role models. Mr. Dressup, The Friendly Giant, Fred Penner, Sharon, Lois, and Bram, etc.

These great shows helped me develop into the person I am today. Of the list above, "The Friendly Giant" was a show I really enjoyed. I could imagine myself sitting in the armchair with my best friend Steve and listening to Rusty (a rooster puppet), Jerome (a giraffe puppet), and Friendly (a Giant) talking and singing. The show aired on CBC early in the morning.


Kevin Holsapple said...

I remember the puppet shows you did in the Church hall at Coley's Point. They were wonderful - - they were expressions of some deep part of you. This post touches that same deep place.